
2017年 明けましておめでとうございます

 今年も、シエラレオネの子ども達とともに、シスター方とともに、そして支援者の皆さま方とともに、一歩一歩弛まず歩んで参りたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。                                         (菅野勝治郎)




明けましておめでとうございます。  Sr.白幡和子

 今までに起こったすべてのこと、すべての方々に”ありがとう” そしてこれから起こることに対して”はい”と従順したいと思います。

 2列目右端、立っている人がマザー マルタ総長。 2列目、座っている人の右から3番目がシスターエリサ地区長。 最後列、一段高い人がシスター吉田。

From Sr. Elisa Padilla and all the Community


                                                        27 December 2016.


Dear Mr. Kanno and all the Members of Walking Together,

One more year is about to finish. A year that was full of expectations, uncertainties, mixed feelings, etc but that at the end has allowed to start in September an academic year back to the normal life.


To prepare notes, to teach, to fill the schools have been the easiest tasks. What has been much more challenging is the re-construction of lives. A good number of our students have found themselves alone overnight, the ghost of ebola still flies close to them, but the new hope they can find in the schools gives them the certainty that the nightmare is over and that life belongs to those that can face it with renewed hope.


This year we could walk along the streets of Lunsar majestically recalling the love of Our Lady of Guadalupe towards her children. At the end we all enjoyed the delicious food that included the meat of two cows!! Thank you for thinking on us. As we continue thanking God for your kindness, for walking along with us as the elder brother that holds the hand of the little one.  We pray that the New Year will be filled with blessings. That the good Lord will reward you for your unselfish contribution. It is through you that we experience the Providence of God, and for your care we are thankful.


Next year the schools are for the first time after three years having sports. These competitions bring life not only to our schools but to the town as a whole. To see the children dressed in green, red, blue and yellow cheering at their companions or participating in the competitions, is an experience of the enthusiasm of the one that rejoices with whatever little is presented to them.


On behalf of each and everyone of the Sierra Leoneans that benefit from the feeding program, that receive help to pay their fees, and all the assistance you send to keep our apostolate going I want to wish you a Prosperous 2017.  May all the goodness you share with others be reflected in your life as abundant shower of God’s mercies.


Clarissan Missionary Sisters Sierra Leone                                                             Sr. Elisa Padilla and all the Community





クララ会総長 マザー マルタのクリスマスカードから

去る12月10日に会報14号をお届けしましたが、その2日後に、北海道の川嶋康裕ドクターからメールが届きました。川嶋先生は、今まで何度もアフリカ・シエラレオネを訪ねてボランティアの医療活動をして来られた方です。今回、4年振りのシエラレオネでの活動を終えて帰国されたとのことです。既に、その貴重な報告文をいただいておりますので、3月末発行の会報15号にて紹介させていただきます。下の写真は、川嶋先生がシスター  エリサ地区長から預かって来てくださったクリスマス カードです。


                    OLG学園 一同より










“ともに歩む会 会報”の14号を掲載しました。上のメニューバーの左から2番目「会報」をクリックして、会報14号をダウンロードしてご覧になってください。過去の会報もすべてご覧になることができます。



シスター シルビア・エレナ・ゴンザレス・ウレスティ


Buletin nr 14 resumen en espani

A toda la Comunidad que nos apoya constantemente con sus oraciones.

les hacemos llegar nuestro profundo agradecimiento.


Boletin nr. 14


Pag 1:” Centro Vocacional Maria Ines” ,imagenes de la clase, la directora

             Hna. Maria Luz,y los alumnos escuchando atentamente su leccion.

             Patio del Jardin de Infantes “Tamagawa Shirayuri”, los ninos jugando

             con los juegos, adquiridos con la venta de los objetos donados.


Pag 2: reporte de la Hna. Fumiko Yoshida: La Fiebre Ebola se ha erradicado de

           Lunsar, sin embargo el cierre de las minas , ha deteriorado la situacion

           economica,la mitad de los negocios del mercado se han cerrado,el costo

           de vida aumenta mas y mas, por consecuencia, hay muchos delitos,hay

           inseguridad. Por otro lado, el centro educacional OLG (nivel Jardin de Infantes~

           Secundario ) el Centro Vocacional Maria Ines, continua su obra con mucha

           energia, ahora es el periodo de examenes, tanto los alumnos cono los maestros

           estan en plena actividad.

Pag 2: (abajo) continua en pag 3, reporte de la Hna. Bernardette Shirahata: visita

           la tumba de la Hna Leticia Negishi, en el 3r. aniversario de su fallecimiento

           recordando su obra.A continuacion un reporte sobre la estadia en Japon de la

           Madre Superiora General de las Misioneras Clarisas, Hna. Martha G. Hernandez

            Marin del Campo,quien nos envia su bendicion y agradecimiento por la obra

          que realiza “Caminando Juntos”, de la que fue informada en detalle por la

           hna .Shirahata. Ultima parte de la pag 2,mensajes recibidos sobre los desastres

           naturales, oracion para prepararnos para la Navidad.


Pag 3: reporte de la enfermera Sra. Kazumi Fukuoka, sobre su estadia de dos meses en la

           clinica Milla 91 (Mile 91): S.Leona, carece de una infraestructura en la parte salud

           publica, aun en estas condiciones, es notable el trabajo que realizan en la clinica,

           la hna. doctora, las enfermeras locales,los voluntarios de Espana e Italia, medicos, enfermeros

           asistentes, todos trabajando unidos. El comedor escolar de “Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe”

           (OLG) alivia enormemente el problema cronico de desnutricion de los ninos, cuyo crecimiento

           es lento debido a la falta de buena alimentacion, tambien ,gracias a la actividad de distribuir

           alimentos de primera necesidad ,durante la epidemia de la fiebre Ebola, se pudo evitar mayores



Pag 4 –5 : Charlas de la hna Bernardette Shirahata en los institutos, Yamato Gakuen y Santa Cecilia

           niveles primario y secundario, tambien los mensajes recibidos de los alumnos.


Pag 5: reporte sobre el grupo voluntario “Polvoron” de la Iglesia Azabu, revisando y desinfectando

           paraguas  e impermeables que donaron a la mision en Sierra Leona. (polvoron es un dulce

           de Espana, de harina ,manteca y azucar que se deshace facilmente)


Pag. 6: mensajes de las personas que apoyan la obra de Caminando Juntos”, a traves de ellos

           reforzamos los vinculos de todos los miembros que nos brindan su ayuda.

           (abajo) una historia bonita sobre los ninos de un jardin de infantes, A este jardin, un miembro

           de la comision de Caminando Juntos, va todos los anos a dar una charla sobre Sierra Leona.

            Uno de los ninos, encontro una moneda de 10 yenes ( equivale a 10 centavos de dolar), en

           la clase se pidio la “opinion” de los pequenitos “que hacer con la moneda”? al final ,despues

           de mucho pensar, decidieron enviar a Sierra Leona, como la mejor opcion, realmente el valor

           de la moneda, fue mucho mas grande que una donacion de millones.


Pag. 7 : Avisos de la Comision  , fecha de la proxima reunion y otros.


Pag 8 : Fotos de la Sra. Fukuoka: arriba: Dos hermanas de Sierra Leone, en la ceremonia de recibir los votos

             (medio) distribucion de leche de acuerdo al proyecto Food Project. (abajo) los ninos jugando

            cerca de la clinica.

Profesor Katsujiro Kanno

Representante de Caminando Juntos

(version en espanol Marta Tanaka)



Bulletin No.14 of “Walking Together”

Thank you for always helping and praying for us with a generous heart.

Here is bulletin No.14 of “Walking Together”. The content summary is as follows.


The class at the “Maria Ines Vocational Center” is shown in the photo on page 1. You can see how seriously the students are listening to the principal, Sr. Maria Luz. The photo below is at the Tamagawa/Shirayuri Kindergarten, where students are playing. Relief supplies were sent to the school and those that were not needed at the school were sold and the earnings there were used to purchase additional supplies such as playground equipment.

Page 2 is a report from Sr. Yoshida Fumiko. The ebola disease has ended, but in the town of Lunsar, the close of the mines had a great affect and the market has shrunk. While prices have increased, economic conditions have been tough, and therefore the town seems like it is not safe. On the contrary, from kindergarten to high school at the OLG school, including the Maria Ines Vocational Center, seem to be lively. Middle school and high school students are in preparation for their upcoming tests.

From the last part of page 2 and onto page 3, is a letter from Sr. Shirahata Kazuko. She first talks about visiting the grave of Sr. Negishi Michiko who passed away 3 years ago. She continues by talking about Martha G. Hernadez Martin del campo , Misionera Clarisa Superiora general’s visit to Japan. Sr. Shirahata says that during their visit, she mainly talked about the activities of Walking Together and the Misionera seemed very pleased. She finished off by expressing her sympathy for the natural disaster that has continued and sends her prayers for celebrating the upcoming Christmas holiday.

From the latter half of page 3, is a report from Fukuoka Kazumi, a nurse who volunteered for 2 months at the Mile 91 Clinic in Sierra Leone. She expressed her surprise at how doctors and nurses were giving their best to respond to clients in a medical environment where much is lacking, and also how energetic the Italian and Spanish volunteers were. She also talks about how the lunch distributed daily at the OLG School has been of great support while there are still many children who suffer developmental delay due to the lack of food supplies, and also how reliable and supportive the Sisters have been during the civil war and Ebola outbreak.

Comments from students at the Yamato Gakuen St. Cecilia Elementary/Middle/High School, where Sr. Shirahata gave a speech, starts from the second half of page 4 and goes onto page 5. They all reflected on their daily lives with what Sr. Shirahata talked about.

The second half of page 5 is an activity report about a volunteer group called the Polvoron Committee at the Catholic Azabu Church, which sent a mass amount of umbrellas and rain coats to Sierra Leone. The photo shows the umbrellas being inspected and disinfected.

Letters from supporters follow on page 6, and as usual, we feel the Walking Together bond getting stronger every time we read these messages.

The second half of page 6 is a report from a kindergarten. It is a story about a child who found a 10 yen coin and talked about what to do with the money with his classmates, and eventually decided to donate to the poor children in Sierra Leone. Our staff visits this kindergarten every year.

Page 7 is a bulletin from the headquarters including a report from the general meeting, support money sent, and shipment of support supplies, etc.

A photo from Fukuoka-san (volunteer) is on page 8. The top photo shows the happy faces after the vow of 2 Sierra Leone Sisters. The middle photo shows the village people welcoming the food project (free milk distribution) van, the bottom photo shows smiles of the very friendly children in the neighborhood.


                  Representative of Walking Together

                                                              Katsujiro Kanno

                  (Translator   Ayako Nokuo)



”Polvoron” is a name of a Spanish snack